Frequenty Asked Questions
Here you will find commonly asked questions of the ResCarta support team...
We have suggested using Oracle (previously Sun Microsystems) JAVA for many years, but recent events has changed our thinking.
Oracle will no longer provide free continuing support (updates) for OpenJDK 11 LTS versions at
AdoptOpenJDK does provide support at
AdoptOpenJDK is now distributing OpenJDK msi installers. The installers will optionally updated the PATH and JAVA_HOME. We recommend removing Oralcle JAVA with the operating system supported method and installing OpenJDK 11 LTS. Version 7.0.x of the ResCarta Toolkit supports OpenJDK 11.
AdoptOpenJDK is also providing updates to OpenJDK 11.
Apple Silicon users please note that you should select aarch64 from the architecture pulldown for your newer iMac/MAC/MacMini
The most asked question concerns the use of 32bit JAVA on a 64bit machine. It you are using a 64bit operating system, download the 64bit JAVA. The current url for JAVA 11 from Oracle is.
Take care not to update to unsupported versions of 9, or 10
For those running "ix" operating systems ...
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
$ su -c "yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk"
During the installation of the ResCarta Toolkit you will see that the installer selects 32bit or 64bit options based on your installed JAVA. If you run 32bit JAVA on a 64bit machine you will get poor performance and have access to only one gigabyte of memory.
Most ResCarta problems over the years involve early untested releases of JAVA by Oracle. See the history of releases at wikipedia. If you see a release date within a day or two of another release date, chances are you will be experiencing some malfunction. We advise updating JAVA only if you need to do so for some known reason.
64 bit machines and 64 bit JAVA
Most machines purchased in the last few years are going to be 64 bit capable and running 64 bit operating systems. The problem is that most web browsers are still 32bit by default. When you are prompted to download JAVA in most cases the resulting JAVA installation will be 32 bit. This means that your machine will only use a maximum of 1.3 gigabytes of memory even if you have 4, 8 or 16 gigbytes of memory in your machine.
This will cause the ResCarta Toolkit to install a 32 bit version for your machine with the same memory limitations.
To see what JAVA you have installed, open a command prompt/terminal and type the following...
java -version
You should see something like ...
java version "1.8.0_181"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b11, mixed mode)
If your results do not include the "64-Bit Server VM" statement then remove your currently installed JAVA and remove the ResCarta Toolkit if you have already installed it. (Don't worry we will keep the settings you already have). Then go to
and select the Windows Offline (64-bit) or Linux x64 RPM or Mac OS X from the page.
Also if running on Debian, Ubuntu, etc.
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
or if running Fedora, RedHat Enterprise, etc.
$ su -c "yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk"
How do I create a website where I use portions of several different data stores? I have three different RCDATA01 datastores on my windows machine and want to use just a portion of each datastore.
The answer is easy. Use the windows mklink to create another datastore with only portions of the other datastores.
The implementation is a little less easy but not that difficult.
Step one: Create a new RCDATA01 directory somewhere on your machine.
C:\> Mkdir NewData
C:\> cd NewData
C:\NewData> Mkdir RCDATA01
C:\NewData> cd RCDATA01
Step two: Create links to some existing directories in the new datastore
C:\NewData\RCDATA01> mklink /J fpc00000 C:\Users\ResCarta\Desktop\ResCarta-Sample\RCDATA01\fpc00000
C:\NewData\RCDATA01> mklink /J wionrfi0 D:\RCDATA01\wionrfi0
or to use just one institution's data
C:\NewData\RCDATA01> mkdir wecv0000
C:\NewData\RCDATA01> cd wecv0000
C:\NewData\RCDATA01\wecv0000> mklink /J 20121211 C:\ResCarta-Sample\RCDATA01\wecv0000\20121211
C:\NewData\RCDATA01\wecv0000> mklink /J 20130108 C:\ResCarta-Sample\RCDATA01\wecv0000\20130108
Step three: Start your Collection manager and open C:\NewData\RCDATA01\
Create your collections and add what ever items you may like.
Save the Collection metadata and close the Collecion manager
Step four: Start your indexer and create an index in C:\NewData\RCDATA01\
Step five: Add a new ResCarta-Web application to your web server and point its data source to C:\NewData\RCDATA01\
Yes, Virginia, you can do this with Linux and OSX as well using symbolic links.
July 29, 2021
After upgrading or moving on to Ubuntu 20.04.2 the Data Conversion Tool fails using the tesseract module.
You will encounter an error like...
February 19, 2013
Mac OSX users may have had a hard time with image viewing since the last JAVA update. We have a fix ready for you in a snapshot release.
The bug would not allow images from pdfs and some jpg files from displaying properly in the Metadata Creation Tool. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
The fix can be found at the downloads page or just click here.