Frequenty Asked Questions
Here you will find commonly asked questions of the ResCarta support team...
We have suggested using Oracle (previously Sun Microsystems) JAVA for many years, but recent events has changed our thinking.
Oracle will no longer provide free continuing support (updates) for OpenJDK 11 LTS versions at
AdoptOpenJDK does provide support at
AdoptOpenJDK is now distributing OpenJDK msi installers. The installers will optionally updated the PATH and JAVA_HOME. We recommend removing Oralcle JAVA with the operating system supported method and installing OpenJDK 11 LTS. Version 7.0.x of the ResCarta Toolkit supports OpenJDK 11.
AdoptOpenJDK is also providing updates to OpenJDK 11.
Apple Silicon users please note that you should select aarch64 from the architecture pulldown for your newer iMac/MAC/MacMini
The most asked question concerns the use of 32bit JAVA on a 64bit machine. It you are using a 64bit operating system, download the 64bit JAVA. The current url for JAVA 11 from Oracle is.
Take care not to update to unsupported versions of 9, or 10
For those running "ix" operating systems ...
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
$ su -c "yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk"
During the installation of the ResCarta Toolkit you will see that the installer selects 32bit or 64bit options based on your installed JAVA. If you run 32bit JAVA on a 64bit machine you will get poor performance and have access to only one gigabyte of memory.
Most ResCarta problems over the years involve early untested releases of JAVA by Oracle. See the history of releases at wikipedia. If you see a release date within a day or two of another release date, chances are you will be experiencing some malfunction. We advise updating JAVA only if you need to do so for some known reason.
I know my data is good but when I copied it from my work area the collection manager does not recognize it as valid data. What could be wrong?
Sometimes while coping using a drag and drop method your mouse may have been a bit off the mark when you dropped your data. Look for the occurence of another RCDATA01 directory under your top-level RCDATA01 directory. It might look like C:\mydata\RCDATA01\myinstid\RCDATA01\myinstid\myaggreg\00000516
You might have just dropped the RCDATA01 into a lower directory. Since the collection manager looks up and down the tree for valid ResCarta data formats it can be confused by multiple top level names.
Will ResCartaWeb interfere with my IIS installation?
No, ResCartaWeb runs under the Apache Tomcat server, so there is required interaction with IIS.
You can, however, use tomcat as a service which is called from IIS. This will allow you to forgo the dreaded default 8080 address. Using IIS as a front end to your tomcat will also allow the use of WindowsR authentication if needed.
What version of Tomcat and JRE should I install?
We have tested ResCartaWeb with JRE 1.4.2 thru 1.5 and have tested Tomcat 5.02 thru 6.0. We would always recommend downloading the latest release version of both Apache Tomcat and Sun's JRE when installing this software on your server.
The institutional identifier is used to keep the digital objects created by your institution gathered in a known branch of a data tree. You should take care when first using the METADATA CREATION TOOL. We suggest you use the Library of Congress Marc identifier for your organization padded to eight characters. So, for the ResCarta Foundation, we can lookup the code at the library of Congress site and find that the normalized listing might be wionrfi. Since this is seven characters long we can pad it out to be wionrfi0, by placing a single zero at the end.