Frequenty Asked Questions
Here you will find commonly asked questions of the ResCarta support team...
We have suggested using Oracle (previously Sun Microsystems) JAVA for many years, but recent events has changed our thinking.
Oracle will no longer provide free continuing support (updates) for OpenJDK 11 LTS versions at
AdoptOpenJDK does provide support at
AdoptOpenJDK is now distributing OpenJDK msi installers. The installers will optionally updated the PATH and JAVA_HOME. We recommend removing Oralcle JAVA with the operating system supported method and installing OpenJDK 11 LTS. Version 7.0.x of the ResCarta Toolkit supports OpenJDK 11.
AdoptOpenJDK is also providing updates to OpenJDK 11.
Apple Silicon users please note that you should select aarch64 from the architecture pulldown for your newer iMac/MAC/MacMini
The most asked question concerns the use of 32bit JAVA on a 64bit machine. It you are using a 64bit operating system, download the 64bit JAVA. The current url for JAVA 11 from Oracle is.
Take care not to update to unsupported versions of 9, or 10
For those running "ix" operating systems ...
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
$ su -c "yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk"
During the installation of the ResCarta Toolkit you will see that the installer selects 32bit or 64bit options based on your installed JAVA. If you run 32bit JAVA on a 64bit machine you will get poor performance and have access to only one gigabyte of memory.
Most ResCarta problems over the years involve early untested releases of JAVA by Oracle. See the history of releases at wikipedia. If you see a release date within a day or two of another release date, chances are you will be experiencing some malfunction. We advise updating JAVA only if you need to do so for some known reason.
How can i completely disable the print function in ResCarta-Web?
The jsp file that contains the print function button is called RcWebImageViewerToolbar.jsp
The line of jsp code that controls the sort is listed below.
You can simply rem out the lines by cutting the --> from the print line and replacing it below the three lines of code like...
<td><a class="rc-img-vwr-toolbar-icon rc-print-icon" href="javascript:void(0);" title="${rc_web_fn:msg('rcWebImageViewer.toolbar.printButton.tooltip')}" onclick="rcPrint();"/></td>-->
Save the edited file and restart your ResCarta-Web. You may want to clear your tomcat work directory prior to restarting do insure your changes are recompiled. ( N.B. The Tomcat Server work directory NOT the ResCarta-Web/work directory)
The default sort for the RcWebBrowse.jsp page is by TITLE only, how can I change that?
The line of jsp code that controls the sort is listed below.
Collections.sort(l, ArmadilloSearcher.ARMADILLO_DOCUMENT_COMPARATOR);
The standard TITLE search is written into ArmadilloSearcher.ARMADILLO_DOCUMENT_COMPARATOR
To change the sort we need to create a new Comparator and include the java.util.Compator in our imports.
Add the following bolded line to your imports area by opening your RcWebBrowse.jsp file in an editor. Looking at the start of the file you should find the following lines, Add the bold line below (remember to add the , at the end of the line).
< language=\"java\"
contentType=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" pageEncoding=\"UTF-8\"
java.util.Iterator, ...
then replace the default Comparator with a new one. Find the following line of code in the RcWebBrowse.jsp file and comment it out or delete it.
Collections.sort(l, ArmadilloSearcher.ARMADILLO_DOCUMENT_COMPARATOR);
At the same spot in the file add the following lines of code...
Comparator c = new Comparator()
public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 )
final String comp1 = ((ArmadilloDocument)o1).getTitle().trim().toLowerCase()+((ArmadilloDocument)o1).getPubDate().trim().toLowerCase()+((ArmadilloDocument)o1).getVolume().trim().toLowerCase();
final String comp2 = ((ArmadilloDocument)o2).getTitle().trim().toLowerCase()+((ArmadilloDocument)o2).getPubDate().trim().toLowerCase()+((ArmadilloDocument)o2).getVolume().trim().toLowerCase();
return comp1.compareTo( comp2 );
Collections.sort(l, c);
To reflect the same sort in the RcWebImageViewer.jsp page
add the java.util.Comparator, as above
< language=\"java\"
contentType=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" pageEncoding=\"UTF-8\"
java.util.Iterator, ..
Then find and replace the line
Collections.sort(rcAr2DocLst, ArmadilloSearcher.ARMADILLO_DOCUMENT_COMPARATOR);
//Collections.sort(rcAr2DocLst, ArmadilloSearcher.ARMADILLO_DOCUMENT_COMPARATOR);
//Default title sort
Comparator c = new Comparator()
public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 )
final String comp1 = ((ArmadilloDocument)o1).getTitle().trim().toLowerCase()+((ArmadilloDocument)o1).getPubDate().trim().toLowerCase()+((ArmadilloDocument)o1).getVolume().trim().toLowerCase();
final String comp2 = ((ArmadilloDocument)o2).getTitle().trim().toLowerCase()+((ArmadilloDocument)o2).getPubDate().trim().toLowerCase()+((ArmadilloDocument)o2).getVolume().trim().toLowerCase();
return comp1.compareTo( comp2 );
Collections.sort(rcAr2DocLst, c);
// End of new comparator sort on Pubdate and Volume
The code lines above takes the TITLE and adds the PublicationDate and Volume to the sort. This is useful for serial publications where the TITLE is the same but the items may have been added to the collection out of order.
We will incorporate this into the next version of ResCarta-Web as an option in the WEB-INF/web.xml file. Until then enjoy!!!
I used the OAI perl script and the resulting xml files do not contain subject information. I know the data is in my collection mangager view. What's up with that?
There is a known bug in version 2.0 of the
If you use lower case text for the authority, subjects will not be extracted properly. Please download the
2.2 version of the ResCarta OAI kit and replace only your file. It is case independent now.
When I attempt to install the ResCarta Toolkit from the Windows .EXE file, I get a BOING!# sound and then nothing?
We have had this reported on certain newer Windows XP systems with more than 2 gigabytes of ram. The work around is to install from the .JAR file. Just download the ResCarta toolkit jar installer and double click like you would the exe file.
We have yet to determine the culprit. We can have the same version, service pack, and updates on two similar but not exact hardware systems and see the BOING!# on one and not the other. Hopefully we can resolve this shortly.
NOTE: It has been determined that the Java virtual machine is taking more memory that it can use. Machines with 2 gigabytes of ram on Windows XP will take 1638 megabytes of ram for the JVM. Any machine running Windows XP with more than 2 gigabytes of ram will exceed the XP JVM limit of 1650 megabytes. We have corrected this problem in version 2.2.1.