Harvard's JHOVE and ResCarta Data

Jhove invalidates some ResCarta accepted tiff images.

If you are running the Harvard file validator called JHOVE and receive the following error on tiff images in your ResCarta collection.files

Status: Not well-formed”

Add the following line to your configuration file (jhove.conf) in your home directory or create a custom configuration file with this line and use the -c parameter with JHOVE.


Change your tiff module from...


 to the following...



After this parameter has been added you will not longer get a “Not well formed” message but you will get an informational message about the values that may not be word aligned. These images have addition tags not modified by the ResCarta data conversion tool and are acceptable TIFF images. The images will then be noted as " Well-Formed and valid" by JHOVE with an informational message like the one below...


InfoMessage: Value offset not word-aligned: 493



JHOVE and the Unknown TIFF IFD tags 5687,5688 and 5689.


These tags are the location of the ResCarta metadata which are defined in the ResCarta specifications. These tags were declared PUBLIC when regisstered with the TIFF tag registry with Adobe Corporation. 5697 = MODS XML data, 5688 = Word data, 5689 = Word location and font data.


InfoMessage: Unknown TIFF IFD tag: 5687

InfoMessage: Unknown TIFF IFD tag: 5688

InfoMessage: Unknown TIFF IFD tag: 5689