How can i completely disable the print function in ResCarta-Web?

The jsp  file that contains the print function button is called RcWebImageViewerToolbar.jsp

The line of jsp code that controls the sort is listed below.

<!-- Print -->
    <a class="rc-img-vwr-toolbar-icon rc-print-icon" href="javascript:void(0);" title="${rc_web_fn:msg('rcWebImageViewer.toolbar.printButton.tooltip')}" onclick="rcPrint();"/>

You can simply rem out the lines by cutting the --> from the print line and replacing it below the three lines of code like...

<!-- Print 
    <a class="rc-img-vwr-toolbar-icon rc-print-icon" href="javascript:void(0);" title="${rc_web_fn:msg('rcWebImageViewer.toolbar.printButton.tooltip')}" onclick="rcPrint();"/>


Save the edited file and restart your ResCarta-Web. You may want to clear your tomcat work directory prior to restarting do insure your changes are recompiled.  ( N.B. The Tomcat Server work directory NOT the ResCarta-Web/work directory)